Blog — Redemption Church Delray Beach

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Redemption Church


An Update Interview with Bryan Henderson (9-15-15)

Here is an update video with Bryan Henderson from Sydney, Australia. We are blessed to support the Henderson family as they have helped plant Anchor Church in Sydney, Australia. For more information about Anchor Church visit Let's continue to be praying for them and the Anchor Church family and we hope you enjoy this video getting to know Bryan a little better.


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Norma's Baptism Video (9-1-15)


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An Update Interview with Pilgrim Benham

Pastor Daniel had the opportunity to sit down with Pilgrim Benham, a church planter in Bradenton, FL and talk about his church, family, and journey following Jesus and starting a church! Redemption Church has supported the Benham family and Calvary Chapel Shoreline since they began 6 months ago. We hope you enjoy this video update from Pastor Pilgrim on all God has been doing at Calvary Shoreline in the last 6 months!


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An Update Interview with Cameron Barber

We just had the awesome opportunity to visit Pastor Cam and his family up in Lakewood, Washington and hear about the ministry of Calvary South Sound. Here you can watch our interview and learn more about what has been happening in the church and how you can be praying for this wonderful family and their ministry in Washington state.


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1st Birthday // Anchor Church Sydney

Here at Redemption Church, we have a heart to further the Gospel and share the love of Jesus with the world, and one way we do this is by supporting both local and international church plants. One of these church plants is in Sydney, Australia where the Henderson family has moved to serve at Anchor Church. Anchor Church just celebrated their 1 year anniversary and has put together an AWESOME SHORT FILM that you will want to watch to see how the Lord is using them and the ministry of Anchor Church to reach people with the love of Jesus!

Please continue to lift up the Henderson family in your prayers as well as the pastors and ministry of Anchor Church. To learn more about them, you can visit their website at


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Angie's Video Testimony (on motherhood)


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Charley's Video Testimony (THERE IS HOPE IN JESUS)


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Easter Weekend (video recap)


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A Photo Essay of the 2015 Easter Festival


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2015 Mexico Mission Trip (Video Recap)

We are back home from our missions trip to Bachiniva, Mexico! THANK YOU for your prayers and support! We had a wonderful trip—we had safe travels to and from Mexico, Daniel made new brochures and prayer cards for their ministry and sponsorship cards for each of the kids, Laura painted several murals in the orphanage, Travis and Mike worked on building a new shed on the property and poured concrete, and Alesha and Colleen helped Jackie and the staff with multiple cleaning projects! We were blessed abundantly by the opportunity to meet the kids and revisit the Sanchez family. We made a brief slideshow of the trip that we’d love for you to see. You can view it below. You can also listen or watch the service where the team shared about the trip and what they learned during our time in Bachiniva on our teaching page under topical messages. If you would like to learn more about the House of Blessing orphanage please visit 


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