Redemption Church Delray Beach - Practical Ways To Share Your Faith (Pt 2)

Last time, I wrote on the necessity of prayer being the first step in practical ways to share your faith. I hope you were able to take that to heart and have begun to lift up your friends and people you know who need to come to Christ. We will now move on to the second very practical step in sharing your faith in Jesus with those around you, and that is: PURSUE!


We must pursue those relationships we have on a deeper spiritual level. This means we need to actually bring Jesus into our conversations. This can be done in a very natural way and we need to understand that there are many opportunities to talk about God in normal conversation, but we have to be willing to do so. There are many different ways that you talk about Jesus in your conversations, and here are three examples for you: 1. Asking questions, 2. Sharing what God has been doing in your life, and 3.Using relevant issues.

Practical Ways To Share Your Faith (Pt 2) By Pastor Daniel
Last time, I wrote on the necessity of prayer being the first step in practical ways to share your faith. I hope you were able to take that to heart and have begun to lift up your friends and people you know who need to come to Christ. We will now move on to the second very practical step in sharing your faith in Jesus with those around you, and that is: PURSUE!


We must pursue those relationships we have on a deeper spiritual level. This means we need to actually bring Jesus into our conversations. This can be done in a very natural way and we need to understand that there are many opportunities to talk about God in normal conversation, but we have to be willing to do so. There are many different ways that you talk about Jesus in your conversations, and here are three examples for you: 1. Asking questions, 2. Sharing what God has been doing in your life, and 3.Using relevant issues.

1. Asking questions. 

Whether you know this or not, people like to talk…especially about themselves. So a great way to bring God into conversations is to ask questions. Ask your unsaved friends what their spiritual beliefs are? If they were to die today would they make it to heaven? Are they afraid of death? Who do they think Jesus is? Now when you ask these questions, remember to actually listen. Love your friends and don’t get ready to attack them and say that they are wrong. The point of a question is to find out information and learn more about the person you are talking to—many times, this will you give you a direct opportunity to share about Jesus. So if you respond respectfully and lovingly, they might even ask you some of the same question back.

2. Sharing what God has been doing in your life. 

We talk with our friends about our relationships with our family, our spouse, our kids, and so on, so what is so weird about talking about our relationship with Jesus? If we have a relationship with Jesus it should be easy and natural for us to explain what He has been teaching us or how He loves you or what you have been doing with Him or whatever. An easy way to bring God up in your conversation is when your unsaved friends ask you what you did over the weekend. Rather than just talking about how you mowed the lawn, went to the mall, and updated your facebook, you could also mention that you went to church, read your Bible, or prayed to God about a certain situation. Just talk about God like He is a real person, and don’t always try to hide Him and what He is doing in your life with your unsaved friends.

3. Using relevant issues. 

Did you know that Christians watch movies, listen to music, ride skateboards, read books, play X-Box 360, play sports, read the newspaper, go to the mall, and even have a facebook page? I know it is hard to believe, but you are a culturally relevant person just like most people in your life. So, that means you can probably talk about a lot of relevant topics that happen in your job, your town, and even in the world. You can talk to your friends about Whitney Houston’s recent death. Then explain that nothing has satisfied your soul like having a relationship with God, and you don’t need to be rich and popular to have joy. Or maybe you can talk to your friends about the Grammy Awards, and explain that you agree with the mentality of rewarding someone for a good job, and that God promises to reward those of us who diligently seek HIM! And you can’t get there by your own good works but by faith in Jesus. You can totally talk about many relevant issues without approving of them and still point people to Christ. Paul used this principle when he went to Athens. He “perceived” that the city was given over to idols and “considered” their objects of worship. Basically he found out a little about their culture and used the relevant topics of their many gods to preach about Christ the true and living God (Acts 17:16-34).

I pray that you will take the time to consider and act on some of these ideas as you’ve read this blog and will begin to pursue people in your life in Jesus’s name!

Whether you know this or not, people like to talk…especially about themselves. So a great way to bring God into conversations is to ask questions. Ask your unsaved friends what their spiritual beliefs are? If they were to die today would they make it to heaven? Are they afraid of death? Who do they think Jesus is? Now when you ask these questions, remember to actually listen. Love your friends and don’t get ready to attack them and say that they are wrong. The point of a question is to find out information and learn more about the person you are talking to—many times, this will you give you a direct opportunity to share about Jesus. So if you respond respectfully and lovingly, they might even ask you some of the same question back.

Practical Ways To Share Your Faith (Pt 2) By Pastor Daniel
Last time, I wrote on the necessity of prayer being the first step in practical ways to share your faith. I hope you were able to take that to heart and have begun to lift up your friends and people you know who need to come to Christ. We will now move on to the second very practical step in sharing your faith in Jesus with those around you, and that is: PURSUE!


We must pursue those relationships we have on a deeper spiritual level. This means we need to actually bring Jesus into our conversations. This can be done in a very natural way and we need to understand that there are many opportunities to talk about God in normal conversation, but we have to be willing to do so. There are many different ways that you talk about Jesus in your conversations, and here are three examples for you: 1. Asking questions, 2. Sharing what God has been doing in your life, and 3.Using relevant issues.

1. Asking questions. 

Whether you know this or not, people like to talk…especially about themselves. So a great way to bring God into conversations is to ask questions. Ask your unsaved friends what their spiritual beliefs are? If they were to die today would they make it to heaven? Are they afraid of death? Who do they think Jesus is? Now when you ask these questions, remember to actually listen. Love your friends and don’t get ready to attack them and say that they are wrong. The point of a question is to find out information and learn more about the person you are talking to—many times, this will you give you a direct opportunity to share about Jesus. So if you respond respectfully and lovingly, they might even ask you some of the same question back.

2. Sharing what God has been doing in your life. 

We talk with our friends about our relationships with our family, our spouse, our kids, and so on, so what is so weird about talking about our relationship with Jesus? If we have a relationship with Jesus it should be easy and natural for us to explain what He has been teaching us or how He loves you or what you have been doing with Him or whatever. An easy way to bring God up in your conversation is when your unsaved friends ask you what you did over the weekend. Rather than just talking about how you mowed the lawn, went to the mall, and updated your facebook, you could also mention that you went to church, read your Bible, or prayed to God about a certain situation. Just talk about God like He is a real person, and don’t always try to hide Him and what He is doing in your life with your unsaved friends.

3. Using relevant issues. 

Did you know that Christians watch movies, listen to music, ride skateboards, read books, play X-Box 360, play sports, read the newspaper, go to the mall, and even have a facebook page? I know it is hard to believe, but you are a culturally relevant person just like most people in your life. So, that means you can probably talk about a lot of relevant topics that happen in your job, your town, and even in the world. You can talk to your friends about Whitney Houston’s recent death. Then explain that nothing has satisfied your soul like having a relationship with God, and you don’t need to be rich and popular to have joy. Or maybe you can talk to your friends about the Grammy Awards, and explain that you agree with the mentality of rewarding someone for a good job, and that God promises to reward those of us who diligently seek HIM! And you can’t get there by your own good works but by faith in Jesus. You can totally talk about many relevant issues without approving of them and still point people to Christ. Paul used this principle when he went to Athens. He “perceived” that the city was given over to idols and “considered” their objects of worship. Basically he found out a little about their culture and used the relevant topics of their many gods to preach about Christ the true and living God (Acts 17:16-34).

I pray that you will take the time to consider and act on some of these ideas as you’ve read this blog and will begin to pursue people in your life in Jesus’s name!

We talk with our friends about our relationships with our family, our spouse, our kids, and so on, so what is so weird about talking about our relationship with Jesus? If we have a relationship with Jesus it should be easy and natural for us to explain what He has been teaching us or how He loves you or what you have been doing with Him or whatever. An easy way to bring God up in your conversation is when your unsaved friends ask you what you did over the weekend. Rather than just talking about how you mowed the lawn, went to the mall, and updated your facebook, you could also mention that you went to church, read your Bible, or prayed to God about a certain situation. Just talk about God like He is a real person, and don’t always try to hide Him and what He is doing in your life with your unsaved friends.

3. Using relevant issues. 

Did you know that Christians watch movies, listen to music, ride skateboards, read books, play X-Box 360, play sports, read the newspaper, go to the mall, and even have a facebook page? I know it is hard to believe, but you are a culturally relevant person just like most people in your life. So, that means you can probably talk about a lot of relevant topics that happen in your job, your town, and even in the world. You can talk to your friends about Whitney Houston’s recent death. Then explain that nothing has satisfied your soul like having a relationship with God, and you don’t need to be rich and popular to have joy. Or maybe you can talk to your friends about the Grammy Awards, and explain that you agree with the mentality of rewarding someone for a good job, and that God promises to reward those of us who diligently seek HIM! And you can’t get there by your own good works but by faith in Jesus. You can totally talk about many relevant issues without approving of them and still point people to Christ. Paul used this principle when he went to Athens. He “perceived” that the city was given over to idols and “considered” their objects of worship. Basically he found out a little about their culture and used the relevant topics of their many gods to preach about Christ the true and living God (Acts 17:16-34).

I pray that you will take the time to consider and act on some of these ideas as you’ve read this blog and will begin to pursue people in your life in Jesus’s name!


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